Monday, March 15, 2021

Pi Day Pi

This is meant to be yesterday's post. I wanted to have an entry for Pi Day (March.14th) but I was a bit late. No, I was not watching AJL. I slept early, only to wake up at this hour. It's part of my sleep disorder and part being too tired having too much to worry about. I wasn't even sure about writing about pi day at all since to some, I'm neither a mathematician nor a physicist. Note that pi day has been declared as the International Day of Mathematics by IMU. I can see that there are some local events being organized for this day and hopefully they are noted as part of the international celebration.

Anyway I've been wanting to get active back at my technical blog and my Malay blog since beginning of the year. However I was too busy before this, with all the teaching. Now that the teaching and marking are over, I thought I should post something on pi day. Well, I did. Being neither the physicist and mathematician I am, searched something about tension between the two fields and found this article. Read it up a little and blogged it over here.

I also wanted to review the book by Avner Ash and Robert Gross called Fearless Symmetry and write something on Acu Frekuensi. But I guess this will have to come on another day. Anyway, we are going back to teaching in another week - it is a very short break that we are having now. With the new semester in soon, I hope I have some spare time for me to explore the things I want and do some research.

There is another date around the corner, that one should be waiting for, which is the announcement of the Abel Prize on March 17. Abel Prize is the 'Nobel Prize' for mathematics. Unlike Fields Medal, there is no age limit for this prize. So let's see who will it be this year.

Finally to end this day with a kind of craziness, let me share this short clip of the movie Pi that tells the story of the obsession of finding a hidden order behind reality. Pity that this film is not that well-known.

Or should I go crazy over 23

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