Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Worry for Our Children and Cats

Yesterday, my other half was worried about my sons. My second son, Ihsan, has started to undergo training with a testing laboratory for screening possible Covid-19 patients for more than a week now. My third son, Izhar, also began his industrial training in Bangi after getting the permit letter to travel to work. Both need to use cars to travel to their respective places. Luckily I'm still working at home and my other half used my Chevrolet Malibu to go to work while her car was used by Ihsan to travel to PJ for training. Izhar borrowed Ihsan's car (used to be my blue Chevrolet Aveo car) to go to Bangi. It will be his first time to drive a long distance. Hence the slight worry.

The other worry is that Ihsan had his first shot of vaccine on Saturday. On Sunday, he was feverish and on Monday he had to take medical leave to recover from the side effects. So he was probably weakened but  duty calls to help out at a testing centre. Izhar had his vaccine shot more than a week earlier at the Shah Alam vaccine centre and today we received the news that the vaccine centre had 200 worker-volunteers were Covid-19 positive. So far he did not show any symptoms and we asked to take precautions and follow the SOPs. Below is a picture of Ihsan in his PPE suit.

Yesterday was also the day that Malaysia hit the 10,000th mark for new infections (see figure below). The Health D-G also predicted that the worse is yet to come with the delta-variant of the virus and we can't imagine how that will turn out to be. The hospitals in Lembah Klang and Negeri Sembilan are already working at full capacity or more, pushing non-Covid-19 patients to private hospitals. Somehow, something is not right given that despite the enhanced movement control order, some factories are allowed to work at full capacity and generally there is confusion on the SOPs. Investors have already indicated that they might pull out from the country causing even further damage to the economy. I do hope that the government will hasten to drive all these issues. The only encouraging news we had so far is that our vaccination rate has been ramped up in recent weeks. A recent news that more vaccination supplies will come in for Lembah Klang and Negeri Sembilan that are severely affected. I hope my two other sons will get their vaccination appointment soon, as they are at risk with my other half and Ihsan working as frontliners.

Perhaps another worry of my other half is that her favourite cat, Lily has gone really weak due to kidney failure (known much earlier). Right now, Lily is oozing blood out of her mouth and can barely walk. She needs to be regularly cleaned. Below is my other half tending to her.

Lily is pretty old, we had her probably more than ten years (equivalent human age of 60+) and she's the oldest. We hope that she will not suffer too much. Our other cats that are not quite as old are Boboi (see video drinking water),

Yaya (the only existing cat that we bought)

and Melli, the cat we adopted from the wildlife park in Gambang; she has occasional problems of seizures.

The rest (not shown here) are Fifi (the younger sister of Lily), and Koko (the partially blind cat we rescued from a drain). Of course, the youngest, we have the playful Lofa.

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