Saturday, July 15, 2023

Frequenting JB and Funeral

Over the last week or so, we have went down to JB twice to visit my sister-in-law whose husband (Tn Hj. Shafie) was not well, who later passed away on Wednesday afternoon. Some weeks before that, we had gone to JB for his daughter's wedding.

It was near the end of the first week of July, we heard his health was deteriorating. He had experienced stroke before and had not quite recovered ever since. He fell down quite a few times before this but the last one on Friday, June 7th, had him being admitted into ICU. His blood pressure dropped quite low then and was on life support in ICU in KPJ hospital. We quickly booked the same hotel, Molek Garden Hotel and travelled to JB the next day (Saturday).

We arrived at KPJ hospital in JB sometime around 11 am and had to wait until 12 noon for the visiting hours. For the visit to ICU units, we can only come in pairs. Here we are waiting for our turns.

More of my in-laws came later in the afternoon.

By sometime in mid-afternoon, we were told that the condition of Hj. Shafie has improved, with no need for the life support system and that he will be transferred to the normal ward in the evening. In the evening, we went to the hospital again to see him in the normal ward. Following the news of improvement, most of us went back on the next day (Sunday). We spent a day in Segamat for some personal matters and returned to Seremban on Monday.

Later in the week, we were told that Hj. Shafie's health deteriorated and had lung infections. He was transferred back to the ICU ward. It was on Wednesday late afternoon, that we heard he had passed away. I quickly cancelled a meeting scheduled that evening and tried to book a hotel. Unfortunately, the usual hotel was fully booked and I had to look for another place. Without looking too much, I simply booked (and paid) Molek Regency, which I thought initially to be a hotel. After packing our stuff, we immediately took off to JB around 5pm since we were informed that the burial will take place after Isya'. I told both eldest son and my other half not to rush/speed on the highway. These days, I tend to feel more vulnerable when I'm on the road (perhaps being old). We stopped at Machap RnR for some rest and met my other in-laws there. We arrived at the Muslim cemetery at Mount Austin sometime after 9pm and the burial process was done but managed to be there for the do'a recital (prayers). The following is a pic (taken by another person)

After attending the funeral, we dropped by at the sister in law's place and thereafter went our for a meal with the other in-laws.

My other half decided to stay with my sister in law to comfort her, while we head off to Molek Regency which are really apartments. I communicated through WhatsApp with the owner of apartment (Mr. Sky) and asked my son in JB to pick up the key from the owner at the nearby Starbucks. Here are the views from the apartment (in the next morning).

The apartment has two rooms with the main room having its own bathroom/toilet attached. There is also a kitchen, which we did not use at all.

We stayed there for two nights with my other half joining us on the next night. There were shops/eateries nearby (including Starbucks) and thought that we could just cross over to the shops from the apartment. We were mistaken since the apartment has tight full security and we had to get out through the main gate to get to the shops.

The next day (Friday), we headed back to Seremban. After travelling much, my back ache seems worsening and so today I took Tramadol to help ease the pain (which also mean that I will be sleepy most of the day).

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