Thursday, March 23, 2023

Ramadhan 1444

We are now in Ramadhan 1444, a month that I've been looking forward to after trying to better myself spiritually since my umrah trip (alhamdulillah, my life has been extended to meet Ramadhan again). A lot has happened since then and I hope with the new challenges that we are facing, I can rejuvenate my belief and made plenty of do'a in this blessed Ramadhan.

First, my other half is suspected of having cerebrospinal fluid leak (CSFL) which could be dangerous. Just before umrah, she noticed that she had unusual nasal fluid discharges, unnoticed before. When suggested to her that she go for thorough check-up, she asked for delay because it was close to our umrah trip. Now, that we are back from umrah and this symptom persists, my other half went to see an E&T specialist in KPJ Seremban last Tuesday. Getting a parking place there was a challenge; I had to wait in the car as it is double-parked while my other half went for her appointment.

After about two hours (and the car was still double-parked and moving it when necessary), she returned to the car telling that she is given medication in the meantime and will follow-up after three weeks. For now, she has to have enough rest and wear mask when necessary (for fear of brain infection). Still need to understand this problem; keeping this reference for now (if I can understand it): Risk factors and management strategies for cerebrospinal fluid leakage following lumbar posterior surgery.

So this Ramadhan, my specific do'a is for her health, then my sons well-being and thereafter only for my own wishes. I do hope that I get a job somewhere to help me pay bills. Will continue my study of theoretical physics with some projects I had in mind. Also I do wish that we could do our hajj but the recent price hike in hajj packages seem forbidding.

Last night we went to Masjid Sri Sendayan due to my second son, Ihsan's wish. He came back two days ago to spend the first day of Ramadhan with us. The mosque quickly filled up to the brim as expected for the early days of Ramadhan. I could also see the one who helped build this beautiful mosque, Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Hussain at the first row of the congregation. 

May Allah help guide us this Ramadhan and ease our path in the future.

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