Monday, August 22, 2022

Paxlovid, Troubles and All That

I thought I should update my blog after a period of silence due to an issue came up and I think I should explain myself (for those who know will know).

First, my Covid experience. The first two days, I was feverish and mostly stayed in bed (isolating myself from the whole family). My view in those days was just what can be seen from the balcony.

On the third day of quarantine, I was asked to report to the nearest covid-19 assessment centre (CAC). Searched where it is (see link) and initially went to Dewan Orang Ramai Sikamat. The place was closed and had to call to get other CAC's. Apparent after the pandemic is declared over, we only need to go to the Klinik Kesihatan in Seremban 2 (they should update the webpage or social media links). After some wait, they had me physically checked up (blood pressure, glucose level and some exercises to see if I get out of breath). I was also asked if I want to take up Paxlovid, since I had high blood pressure, diseased heart and diabetes (borderline). I replied in the affirmative. But then they need to know what medication I am taking. So, I requested my other half (who was waiting at home for me) to take a picture of a page out of medical book containing the prescribed medication and showed it to them.

Apparently, I was told that I need to stop taking Lipitor (for my cholesterol) and I need to halve the dosage of Coveram (for my blood pressure) on taking up Paxlovid. The rest is unaltered. Here are some pics of the medicine.

The side effects that I had was the awful bitter taste in the mouth after two hours taking the medicine. During the period, I was eating less since everything tasted bitter. I actually lost about two kilos during this time.

While having Covid, we experienced another problem in the house, that had me increase my Qur'an recitation (some extended to more than an hour). Consulted those who are knowledgeable in these matters and learned something new. 

My quarantine ended on last Monday, and the following Tuesday, I was back at work. Was still feeling giddy and had some headache (perhaps rested too much). Also, joined the discussion on the Consortium for Quantum Computing with Dr. Yap. Hope all the universities will be receptive of the proposal. Some pics:

Last Friday, I was informed of a problem in the organization I was with before and today, the matter was explained. It does seem like a selective (political?) ploy. Having difference of opinions, resigned my position and my silence ever since, some may think I had a hand in this ploy (somebody made insinuations about this). I would like to state clearly that I had no part of whatever transpired. I have essentially avoided almost everyone at work currently, apart from my usual colleagues. I have repeatedly mentioned that all I want is a peaceful life leading to my retirement soon. In fact, I'm facing whatever they are facing, adding more to my worries. It is an unfortunate situation and I hope it can be resolved well for everyone involved.

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