Sunday, October 29, 2023

More Wedding, More Teaching and Watermelon Matters

Let me begin with the easiest. Yesterday, attended another wedding in Melaka for the son of my other half's close doctor friend. The venue was in Dewan Citra Kasih, which is conveniently just near the Ayer Keroh toll. Here are pictures of my other half with her friends.

The week before was a difficult teaching week for me but I have already grown into the rhythm of routines there. As a part-time staff, we do not have a staff card like the full-time staff. The card is necessary for our teaching so that we can access the projector and other AV facilities in the classroom (see pic below). The card needs to be inserted in the slot of the panel near the rostrum. 

So for the part-time staff, we need to borrow a temporary control card (see pic below) at the library and to be returned on the same day when our teaching has finished.

So usually, I will leave my things first in the (shared) office in Block A4 and next will walk my way to Block A3 (where the library is) to get this card. Will return to office thereafter, to continue with my teaching preparation and before 9am go to the classroom where my classes are. On Tuesday, it is at the Ground Floor of A4 and on Thursday, it is at the first floor of A5 Block. All together there are five different blocks in this A complex and they are all connected only at the Ground Floor and the Lower Ground Floor where the car park is. So for Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have good walking exercises. 

Right now, I have started using my Veikk tablet to teach as the students request me to write on the board instead of using slides during my teaching. I prefer not to use the whiteboard since I will have to have lots of whiteboard markers for this. With the tablet, I could export what I scribbled as a pdf file and I now uploaded these files on Moodle at the end of the day. So my typewritten notes have to come later. Right now, I was told I'm a bit slow in my teaching. Perhaps this coming week, I will speed up my teaching and will try not to bore them by looking for extra materials to complement the text book I am using. This means I have to spend more time reading. Let's see what happens this week.

Besides all these teaching preparations, I still do my research readings but right now, I got distracted with the war in Ghazza. The place has been bombed repeatedly causing total destruction of buildings and homes. Current death toll is over 7000 people, many of which are children. I tried to follow as much as I could on this war. So when there was a blackout on the news from Ghazza, I watched the movie Farha instead, which is based on a true story. I hope they document all of what has happened particularly the humanitarian crisis that has gone for more than three weeks now. I follow news mainly from Al-Jazeera and for opinions and commentaries, I follow some YouTube channels and of particular interest the humanitarian matters see e.g. Dr. Mads Gilbert and his views on the current crisis. I still can't imagine the sufferings that the Palestinians have gone through to the extent that I felt hypocritical following these events from the comfort of my own home. I convey to my own family members to always keep the Palestinians in their daily prayers. It is always good to be aware that we do not turn to be bigots in this journey since that essentially started all these. May Allah always keep us on the right path and help the victims in Ghazza. I will leave this post with this video from a lady Jew revert: May we learn from this.

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