Sunday, November 17, 2019

Surrounding The Final Day

I'm preparing myself to be back at the Department of Physics. My immediate boss there will be the Head of Department of Physics and I expect to spend less time at the Institute then. Nevertheless, I will still contribute to the Institute.

Even on the final day, 15 November 2019, there are activities drawn up for the future of INSPEM. In the morning, we had a workshop with CyberSecurity Malaysia to whom we hope to work closely with in the future. This will also involve our Singaporean partner (will not reveal details here), but it will be an important collaboration for progress of quantum science & technology in Malaysia. These are some pics.

After Friday prayers in the afternoon, we spend our time at INSPEM booth at Bukit Konvo for the officiation of the UPM Convocation Festival.

The new thing that we brought to this year's booth are our 3D printer 'print-outs'. Few months ago, we acquired an Up-Box 3D printer with the thought of essentially 3D print-outs for our gallery display and any exhibitions that we are involved in, or even do research with this facility. I asked my student Choong to help us out with the idea and he attended the Up-Box training with the rest of the staff. Unfortunately, he was not available for this convocation festival because he is attending the IMH School on Algebraic Schemes and Cohomology in Hanoi at the time (see pic below).

Thus for the expo, initially I thought we had some mathematical niceties like a dodecahedron or the Klein bottle (which would have a visual impact) through my discussions with Choong, but they brought print-out puzzles shown below as something that visitors at the booth can participate to solve (which is ok though does not stand out visually).

Before that, on Thursday, we had a Skype meeting with Dr. Kate Shaw from ICTP for an important near future activity. God willing, we will be running another EQuaLS under the banner of Physics Without Frontiers in February 2020. So watch this space for future announcement of EQuaLS.

Even after my final day, I have the convocation duty of representing INSPEM on stage during the first session of the convocation plus another two. I chose the second session in the afternoon as one of them so that I don't have to come to UPM from Seremban many times. Also during the evening we will have INSPEM Graduation Dinner for the Class of 2019. Thus I have the whole day at the university yesterday. Below is a pic taken before the first session starts.

My three students graduated during this convocation are Ganesh Subramaniam, Zurita Ismail and Dr. Raghad Sahib Abbas. Raghad could not come since she is already back in Iraq. So at the dinner, I was with Ganesh and Zurita.

The whole day stint had my back pain worsening and I was literally in pain when these photos are taken. Immediately after reaching home, I took pain killers and collapsed.

I have still another session to go to, which will be this coming Tuesday. This will however be a special one since my second son will also be graduating. Looking forward to it.

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