Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Nuff Said

I think I have said too much yesterday at the risk of possibly affecting whatever cohesion we have. Do note that I value very much our existing cohesion and the trust that we have built. This is particularly critical when we are at the verge of restructuring the institute. But matters arising compelled me to say what I think is right and the opinions that I have held long dearly (science over other secondary matters). Having said that, I do entertain the possibility of oneself is wrong, which I expect the same of any other scientists. More so in matters of human affairs; more often than not, one does not have a single unique solution but probably multiple solutions with different strength and weaknesses (see here). Ultimately, one particular solution has to be picked out and this is normally done by the 'leader'. As such, being in the deputy position for quite some time (and being in the institute for so long), I worry that I am developing blindspots. It is usually wise to make sure that one is not in the position of power too long. For the record, I am not power crazy and will be willing to leave to make place for those who are more capable.

For now, I hope everyone refrain from aggravating whatever problems we are facing, and work more towards finding solutions. Finding faults is easy (because everyone has a weakness) but finding solutions needs more grey matter and creativity. Let us focus on rebuilding the institute according to what the university plans to have.

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