Saturday, March 28, 2020

Let's Move On

Yesterday, I have received the news that the Institute for Mathematical Research (INSPEM) will now have a new Director, namely Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rezal. His appointment will begin on 1 April 2020 until 31 March 2023 which coincides with the anniversary of the institute. It was a welcomed good news since the institute was without a director for a period of one year and four months, which was rather exceptional. I hope now that the institute can now go on progressing full steam ahead.

The news sort of made me recall some memories while I was there. There were a lot of challenges and even office politics which I don't have a stomach for. I am fully aware some criticisms (and even smear campaign) made against me but I will turn these into a valuable experience for me to proceed. I am ready to move on (and I hope everyone else too). Some of my international friends are probably not aware that I have left the institute since 16 November 2019. There were plans of international cooperation made before I left and I hope the new management will take these up seriously. The vision is still to be a research institute of international repute, which is really demanding. But as I have said before being recognised internationally precedes international repute. Thus, when it comes to international cooperation, I have often consider this to be of higher priority during my time. Currently, I will help support such cooperation in my own personal capacity.

As I have mentioned before, my leaving the institute is much due to several episodes of health problems. I am now avoiding high stress environment and have taken many physiotherapy sessions for my back to help me improve my health. However with the current extended MCO, things will grow a bit complicated. My medication supply will run out sometime early next month and I have not been able to go for physiotherapy sessions any more. For the former, I am relying on the contact of my other half with the pharmacies. For the latter, I took the benefit of working from home situation to do more exercises on the treadmill. When experiencing episodes of severe back pain, I can get feverish and have difficulty in even walking. Thus this affects me more now but I'm pushing myself to strengthen my back muscles at least.

To move on, I am open to minor changes in research directions. While I was with INSPEM, I tend to focus more on mathematical aspects of my research to fit the environment that I am in. Presently, I don't take this as a 'constraint' anymore and will try to be independent and consider other possible options. However I will remain close to my core discipline of theoretical physics and particularly quantum theory. Let's move on.

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