Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Shawal 1440

So today is the 7th of Shawal, 1440. Muslims in Malaysia celebrated 'Eid-ul Fithri on Wednesday last week. This year round, we celebrated 'Eid initially at home, and is one of those rare years. More often than not, we tend to do this in my other half's hometown. The celebration at home is pretty simple; beginning with Eid prayers at Masjid Hussain in Seremban 2. This is followed by the mutual forgive-seeking salam between our family members and also photography sessions for memories. Below are the photos.

After having breakfast together, we went to Segamat to my sister-in-law's place and were there until the next day. For our travel back to Seremban, we were caught in a massive jam and it took us five  hours to reach home. It was only the next day that I get to see my sister and niece in KL, brother and sister-in-law in Kepong. At my eldest brother's house, I decided to take photos, in part to capture and admire his good book collection. I took one book out since I did not notice it before and they immediately gave it to me. See pics below.

I wish we had taken more at the other homes but somehow refrained out of respect. So one of the things I've learned this Shawal is that despite we think we had problems in life, others are facing much bigger tests and challenges. As my sister Zaizah mentioned in a message, greater people will be tested more severely. May Allah help us to face our challenges and live out our life in the best way we possibly could.

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