Monday, April 22, 2019

A (Bad) Dream

After getting back from Turin, I experienced a severe bad back and cough. By the time I get to KLIA (no name change yet), I was feverish and I had to lie down at the airport to get some strength back. So most of the Sunday, I stayed in bed resting, trying to get my body back to normal; sleeping and waking up at odd hours.

At one stage, I woke myself up to a bad dream. I just came back from a long trip abroad. As I walked into the office, I found everything misplaced, including the stairs! Tried to make sense of the situation (in the dream), I managed myself to get into the office and saw many strangers there. I yelled "What is going on here?" Somehow I understood these strangers are simply moving agents trying to pack up things due to the closure of the institute. I felt terribly frustrated about this as no one consulted me on the matter. Then I woke up.

I hope this will not happen when I go to work this Tuesday. Today, I'm taking leave to help lessen my back pain. But I guess from the dream, the pain is much less from the pain of losing INSPEM (even if I'm not really wanted there). Yes, all the years spent there and ended up with nothing.

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