Sunday, June 26, 2022


Yesterday was a sad day for all of us. Our favourite cat Lofa left us. She was having difficulty breathing that morning and was in my room. I was marking my students' test papers and she came and slept on them. My other half decided to bring her to the clinic after lunch. Little did we know that was the last we saw her. About an hour (or less), the clinic called my other half that our cat is dying. We brought her home to bury her in the back yard.

Lofa was probably the most intelligent and most active cat that we have. She was very observant of what we do and once would like to open a door to one of the rooms by reaching for the handle. We got her (given by someone) sometime in February 2021. These are the earliest pics of her.

Here she is with the 'triply punctured sphere':

She likes to explore everything she could (see pics below).

Once we brought her outside and let her go climb (unafraid) a tree in front of the house, almost looking like a koala bear.

Below are videos of Lofa exploring the fan, washing machine and the curtain to my son's room.

Here's Lofa in a group photo.

Lofa with my other half:

Being super-adorable, my other half sometimes dressed her up:

Just a day before she left, my other half put up the packing plastic near a chair in our living room as she begins to isolate herself from others.

She was the only cat in the house who is not afraid to go on the treadmill. The first video was taken when she was still healthy. The second one was taken in late May this year, after she recovered from respiration problems.

She started to become unwell only sometime in April where initially she had respiratory problems and then it was detected that she had a swollen heart besides the problematic lungs. It was sad for all us to have her leave that early. She will be missed by all of us. My son made up this video in her memory.

Goodbye Lofa and rest well.

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